June 21, 2011

Off with His Nuts!

My has time flown by! Seems like just yesterday we got Chuy Lewis and the Woogs. Chuy has worked out splendidly despite acting like a dog most of the time. He jumps in the car of an afternoon and does the school run with me. Bless his little furry socks.

So now the time has come to cut off his nuts.

Well, actually it should have been last month but as usual I am blaming my blank Kikki K planner for letting me down. Yet again.

Now calling around for a quote for your insurance is not unusual. But Mr Woog is totally convinced that we are in a recession and any extra expenditures have had to be slashed (pardon the pun). My Gym membership has gone. I forgot I even had one.

Calling around to get prices on desexing Chuy was a little embarrassing. But interestingly they ranged from $220 for the top of the line nut-chop down to $65, which I hate to think how they do it. I mean do they even use anaesthetic?

I asked the $220 Clinic (Mosman NSW) whether they did a discount for two operations. Fancy, toffy receptionist asked how old the other cat is. I said 37.

I went on to explain that he was not actually a cat, but my husband.

She was not amused. Laughing may have shifted the stick up her ass.

So my little fur baby is going in this week to a nice, middle of the range $155 desexing operation. And Mr Woog has got 9 days left to see how much fat he can trim from our household budget before tax time.

The tension is palpable!
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