July 28, 2013


There is nothing better, NOTHING, than a great weekend. Maybe a bottle of Cloudy Bay, Magic Pudding Style, but I think if you combined those two things, you would have the recipe for weekending bliss.

Friday night saw the Ducks SMASH Mosman in the rugby. Rosie scored the first try in the first minute and it was pretty much all downhill for them from there. But they do have an amazing oval, a fancy ass grandstand and a bar with a lass who gives a generous pour.

I also realised that my Pen Of The Week Pen's were getting lamer and lamer, so I have ordered some more covetable pens from here.

Can you imagine! Upping the ante indeed.

We went out to hang out with my parents for the night. This reminds me that I should not force my style onto my mother......

I tend to give gift of things that I personally love.

My mate from uni Kim has started a food biz where you order online and she will drop off spectacular food to you. She married a chef. (lucky cow) So we dined on deliciousness.

Click here for more info on Allconsuming Food. Farking good stuff.

This morning I visited the local markets, which sells things like gorgeous fruit and veg, revolting tatt and other stuff. There was a stall from the No Kill Pet Shelter, an organisation that re-homes special dogs from the pound who are about to be put down.

I don't thing I have ever met a bunch of caring people like that in forever! If you are THINKING about getting a dog, please consider this initiative? CLICK HERE

I kept walking and spied something amazing! A lady who makes guinea pig coats! At $5 a throw, I was quick to snaffle up a couple and, well, see for yourself how thrilled the boys are!

Totally ungrateful. But warm. And Scottish.

And now, as another weekend comes to a close, it appears that all of the neighbourhood boys are beating the shit out of each other on the trampoline. I know this, because their outrageous noise is shattering my bliss.

3 of them are called Will and their dads are all bankers. It is like a future Young Liberal meeting is occurring. IN MY OWN BACKYARD!

So I best be off to shut that shit down.

Have you had a nice weekend?
Or did it suck eggs....

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