March 30, 2013

Dodging the Law. The Finale

When we last met, you might have read about the fact that we had yet again been pulled over by the Highway Patrol.

No idea what I am talking about? CLICK HERE.

The officer was a kind faced young man who delivered the bad news. Mr Woog had packed our trailer like a Tetris Champion, with everything wedged in just so. But he failed to cover his load.

As the officer spoke, I looked at the trailer and could not help but agree with him, that it was potentially, very dangerous indeed.

We had a very balanced discussion and fessed up that we were clearly in the wrong, but clearly dim witted and in no way did we know that this was a legal requirement. Which clearly it was.

The fine tallied up to the hundreds. HUNDREDS! Mr Woog copped it well. And then an Easter Miracle Happened.

Constable Andrew spoke. He told us that if we attempted to secure our load and drive straight to a store that could sell us a tarp or a net, then he would let us off.


It was the actions of a true saint, in my own opinion. I embraced the officer in an awkward hug while Mr Woog got busy with a couple of towels.

Pathetic, but acceptable

We were relieved to say the very least and proceeded straight to Super Cheap Auto where Mr Woog spent about an hour inside, looking for our safety solution. That place is to him what Chatswood Chase is to me. Church!

So with that in mind, may you enjoy your Easter Weekend, whether it be spiritually littered with either Vodka or Verse. I am just thanking the Lord that he sent his Prophet Andrew to me, and not that Heathen Paul, for indeed the book would have been thrown at us.

And I am not talking about the Bible.

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