Perfect conditions in Sydney this morning, particularly for Easter Hat Parading. There is not a whiff of wind to cause hat turmoil to the 600 kids who go to school with the Woogettes. (I know, city school hey!) So with 600 competitors, I mean participants, the competition will be stiff.
My nephew Darcy also has his school's Easter Hat Parade today an he is putting his sister's black bunny Princess Flopsy Beyonce into the cat cage and carrying it on his head. Should be interesting and fraught with danger. I will try and get a photo.
Meanwhile SawHole is ready with her hat. She is such a wallflower.

And Blogger Victoria's Secrets emailed me a photo to prove you can use a Blue Glitter Hat successfully without losing your will to live.
And I also got an email from Three Lil Princesses who seems to have married the right man.
Princess Ella, wearing her bunny hat, painstakingly made by her dad, (painstaking, because it's held together with a pink ribbon and 1000 staples). He originally made it as part of a one-year-old's Alice In Wonderland birthday party in December (yep, that's one serious birthday party!). Ella, obviously being the white rabbit. Not really the crafty type, hubby was so impressed by his own efforts he put it away ready to reuse at Easter!
My obsession with Easter Hats is coming to and end (I can hear you breathing a sigh of relief). I think it is might stem back from when I was a child and I always entered the "I made it myself!"category each year. Mum was not crafty. And I would stick a bit of aluminium foil to an ice cream container and strut. This was back in the time that the world was competitive and there were actual winners.
I am looking forward to watching my kids strut this afternoon and I also think I might spot the first blooms of puffer vests from the mum brigade. The leaves are starting to fall.