June 18, 2013

Do you like lollies?

Sponsored by Allen’s Cheekies

Growing up I remember going on car trips with the family. Along with the usual fights, sing alongs and breaks, I recall Mum would always have a massive bag of Jelly Snakes, which she would distribute in times of good behavior.

That is a nice way of saying a bribe.

I could make a jelly snake last a good ten minutes.

This was back in the day that you could take 20 cents to the milk bar and stand there for ages instructing the shopkeeper exactly what you would like. A lolly cost 1 cent.

“Can I have 1 red frog… 2 milk buds…2 strawberry & creams…1 cobbler”

Then you would walk home with a little white bag full of goodness. It was a simple and delicious ritual.

And then our neighborhood was rocked with the news. The price of single lollies was going up to 2 cents apiece. This immediately halved our purchasing pleasure, and then it all went downhill from there.

Soon it was 2 lollies for 5 cents.

I used to always beg my Mum for stories from the “olden days”. She would tell me that you used to be able to get 3 licorice bullets for a penny. I remember shaking my head thinking “Damn Mum, you had it so good back then.”

But they didn’t have Chicos.

At the age of (almost) 40, I still love lollies.

But I have had to become smarter about how I treat myself because of little hands….
I am generous with my love, my time and my dedication to my boys, but I am not generous when it comes to sharing lollies.

It is not about guilty eating. I don’t believe there is such a thing.

It is about keeping something, just for me.

You know the scene. You are driving along. You turn up the radio before sneaking your hand into your bag, quietly, ever so carefully rummaging around for a sweet that you know you saw there a while back. This usually happens at school pick up time, and a little sugar hit is required.

Once the target is located, you unwrap it with one hand. You must be very careful here as it only takes a break in the music and a clumsy move before your cover is blown and two little hands spring like and unfurled coil from the backseat.

Palms opened.

The rustle of a packet is akin to a ringing bell to Pavlov’s Dog.

Now, if you are careful, you have the lolly in your hand and then, fake a quick cough, transporting the prize from your hand to your mouth. A rookie error would be then to munch happily away.

“What are you eating Mum?”


No. You must consume your treat slowly, as to not alert the natives that you are indeed having a sneaky lolly. When you get home, cut up some fruit for them. And no one is the wiser.

Allen’s have cottoned onto the fact that us ladies enjoy a cheeky treat now and then, and have released a new lolly, just for us!

Portion controlled (so you don’t end up scoffing the whole bag) and delicious; whack these into your handbag so you can always have access to a cheeky lolly.

And the taste? Think of a sizable, squishy, fruity traditional jelly lolly and then POW! You are rewarded with a delicious soft centre in either a citrus of berry flavour.

But be warned. The packet makes a recognizable auditory alert.

Are you a lolly lover?
What are your favourites?

Tell me your favourite memory from your childhood about lollies and go into the draw to win a $500 Voucher from lastminute.com.au , so you can treat yourself to a cheeky escape. 

Keep it short (and sweet). Click here for terms and conditions. 
Oh, and come back on July 1, to see if you won!

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