February 01, 2013


I got a phone call yesterday afternoon. It was the property manager from the agency that we rent our house through.

The agency is in Double Pay and the agent spoke in a soft, posh accent.

Her post accent explained to me that the owner of the property had been in touch as it had been bought to her attention that an animal was living in the residence.* And she was upset........ because we did not include that information on our application as if we had of........ she would have added an extra clause in our lease indicating that we would take full responsibility for the damage that a cat causes.

House? Imma gonna fuck you up.
I rolled my eyes, which was pointless as no one was looking at me, and told the property manager that yes, I would indeed take responsibility for the graffiti and the holes in the walls that Chuy does as part of his daily activities.

Then I asked her if she would ask the property owner if she minded the fact that we have set up a small, experimental meth lab in the garage.


Do you rent?
Any stories to tell?

* owner is clearly a stalker. Or reads this blog. And if she DOES read this blog, we also have 2 guinea pigs! And a tiger.

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