On Wednesday, my iPhone died. I do not have a landline, just a mobile, so this presented quite the conundrum. I was told I had to take it into the Apple Shop. So off to Chatswood. Apple Shop full of cute geeks trying to teach 65 year old retirees to "Skate on the Line" as my mum calls it.
I am asked if I have an appointment. No I did not. I was asked if I would like to make an appointment. No I did not. I just wanted someone to fix my dead phone. Cute Geek says the next appointment is not available until the next day. So I do what I always do when it looks like things might not go my way...... I burst into tears. Now geeks do not like emotion, so within minutes, the manager was fiddle-assing with the phone and I was told to come back in fifteen minutes.
So Jack and I wandered out across to Country Road. (side note to Country Road - well done on the summer range - loving) And who should we run into but my friend Louise from Table Tonic who scalds me for not answering her text about meeting her at Country Road in Chatswood. Anyway.
We chat and watch Jack rub his face along a row of silk dresses. Louise comments on the Ollie & Max Giveaway which has been running on WoogsWorld. And she actually says, deadpanned.
"It just is so worrying that you can go through life without ever knowing about these things."
Which is big praise for Ollie & Max as Louise is the high priestess of style, ex magazine art director and now the proprietor of Table Tonic Online Store. See, that is her on the cover of this months Real Living Magazine in her shack.
So this morning, Random.Org spat out the number 5, which was assigned to ClaireyH in the Ollie & Max Giveaway. So well done! Please email me your colour and size to mrswoog@hotmail.com and look out for another Ollie & Max offer coming soon.
Now, you think I would stop here yes?? Oh no! Yesterday saw a milestone in WoogsWorld history. My mum managed to chick on this blog 50,000 times since April, making me appear WAY more special than I am. And in the blog world, do you know what should be given at 50,000 hits? Paper? Wood? Silver? Give Up?? It is GAS!

You know how I love Oprah. And Oprah loves her favourite things. And I love Oprah. And she gives away her favourite things. And I do to because I love her. I contacted Soda Stream to see whether they wanted to be a part of the celebrations and they were all like "For sure Mrs Woog!"
Background story. Last Christmas my brother-in-law King Leon gave my sister a Soda Stream and endured extreme bullying and teasing for the remainder of the day by the rest of us for giving a lame gift . Until we all went on holidays together and they bought it along. FANTASTIC. When Mr Woog and I returned home, we decided to get healthy and switch from guzzling wine to sipping Vodka and Soda, thus creating a specific need for acquiring a Soda Stream. And we love it. There. And there are always new flavours to try - and diet ones as well that do not taste like urine! And no, this is not a sponsored post.
WIN this Soda Stream Prize pack so you can get busy with the fizzy this summer! Imagine this.
"Darling, can you fix me a gin & tonic?"
"Sorry Petal, we are all out of tonic water!"
"Why the fuck didn't you get some when you went to Baker's Delight you Moron?"
It just will not happen anymore. Are you excited?
Enter by leaving a comment on this post telling me Why you read WoogsWorld, and do not say it is because of SawHole or that you are related to me and want to know whether I am bitching about my family (again). And while you are doing that, tell me one of your favourite things you think should feature here.
Simple. Randy.Org will choose the winner Friday 5th November.
And thanks for the support this year.