September 16, 2012

Vintage finds for Jabba the Hut.

We have my sister's 2 boys staying for the weekend and as I sit hiding behind this screen, I can hear them tearing the house apart. Do you have 4 boys full time? Do you drink heavily?

Anyway, I thought I would show you a few things that I have picked up for Jabba the Hut. The plan is to redecorate room by room and as thriftily as possible. Hence you may find me digging through op shops. Currently Jabba the Hut is painted in a light powder blue which makes me feel nauseous, so the first thing that will happen, when we recover from a new car purchase, will be a coat of white paint. 

So I anticipate this will commence in 2020.

Well, this isn't really for Jabba. They are large magnets I bought for Eden, but they were transferred across with these photos from my phone so I thought I would share. If you read Eden's Blog, you will know why this is quite meaningful.

Ok, and this also has nothing to do with Vintage finds for Jabba the Hut, but it is a book written by two of my mates. I started it yesterday morning as I spent hours and hours waiting for Ballet Rehearsals to finish. Fantastic read, sat up late last night and finished it off. Congrats Charlotte and Jo on a book that had me in fits of both tears and laughter. Pre-order it HERE.

The amber vase was found at Vinnies and purchased for $4. The Aqua Vase? Well, that is a different story. Mr Woog spotted it and told me that I was so good at finding lovely, original bargains, and asked me how much it was. I told him is was $7. He was so pleased, so I didn't tell him the truth that I bought it brand new at Bed, Bath and Table.

The latest discovery occurred just last night. Harry and I went for a walk up to Woolies to get some stuff for dinner and on the way back, we took a shortcut down a rat-infested back ally and came across this cane thing. It was as solid as and required just a little paint touch up, so we whacked the shopping bags in the cupboard part and carted it home.

Ok, so not technically bought, but found in the basement of Dr and Original Mrs Woog's house. It belonged to Mr Woog's Grandma, who was old school Hungarian, like this runner. It is a coming to the beach to live!

Ok, so not technically "vintage" but I just think all shipping container houses need an aqua deer head print, don't you? Get it here.

I don't know why. I just liked them. There is a fancy name for these (if you can help me out, please do) but they were in a second hand store and the colour made me happy. $20.

Mr Woog was BESIDE himself when he saw this mint condition retro map. He could not believe it. He loves it. So I didn't tell him I bought it at Typo, for $50.

Can you believe it! I found this on a thrifting hunt with Sarah, the vintage guru. It is Queen Bed sized and in mint, MINT condition. $22! Um, yes please!

An enamel and steel lampshade base which weighs a tonne, was spied and purchased at The Salvo's for $15. I need shade inspiration people. Interior Bloggers, that means you!

And then there is this. The vintage, cane mirror. Well it USED to be a mirror, and now it is just a frame, showcasing a piece of wall in my office. Mr Woog was attempting to put the mirror back into the frame after I spray painted the shit out of it, and well, you can probably guess the rest. It came up ok, don't you think?

I am having heaps of fun finding things to Jabba the Hut. It is just a shame that I have no way of getting there anymore. How much fun is arguing about new cars?


Are you a fan of vintage stuff, or do you like shiny and new?
Have you ever shopped from the kerbside?
What did you score?

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