My name is Mrs Woog and I am an Accessoriesaholic.
The Mazda is like driving a mobile tip. The tupperware drawer does not shut. Do not start me on the linen cupboard. The fridge is somewhere underneath a mountain of school notes. I have a drawer in my desk full of cords that I have no idea where they came from.
In my dreams, I have a heated towel rail and a walk in wardrobe. Bit in reality, I have a shitty little bathroom with towels that are never dry and fuck all cupboard space.

Behold the accessories cupboard.
I know you may now be thinking, what a cow. It is true. I am somewhat bovine-esque, but at least my cow status is rocking some seriously good accessories. It does help that one of my best mates is Uber Jeweller Uberkate, who presents me with boxes each year for my birthday full of uber goodness. And she give me new designs to trial, which I NEVER return. But I am a sucker for an accessory, and I will tell you why.
Someones when you shop, you cannot find anything you like right? These times are ALWAYS when you have a little cash to spend and yes, then there are the times when you are broke and eating beans and you see a thousand items that make you cream your jeans. So when I am broke and shopping, I will treat myself to a little retail love in the form of a new scarf, or a cuff. It will give me the retail high I crave without spending Mr Woog into a coma.
My collection is one that is old mixed with new. Pricey mixed with cheap. Statement mixed with subtle. And accessories are great for when you are having a fat day. Or a zitty day. Think a mohair balaclava with a Moroccan cuff.
To keep a track of my collection, I purchased those plastic boxes that tradies use to keep their nuts in order. Then I chopped off the tops and dedicated a cabinet in my Lady Room* for storage.
And sometimes I will wear a scarf. I loves me a scarf.
And not to mention adding to it with my shoe collection. I am a shoe gal.
They are stuffed into every available cupboard orifice available. Recently a company called Benji Box sent me a stack of new plastic shoe boxes to trial. They are the ones that slide out instead of having to gently pry open a box in the stack and have the whole bloody lot fall down on you. So that company has done NOTHING to help me curb my OCD behaviour. Love.
Building up a collection like this means you can whack on a pair of jeans, chuck on a top and let your accessories do the talking. And my choice of accessory will totally depend on my mood. If I am feeling totally brave, I may even add a cheeky beret! But not very often. I was born in Tamworth, not France.
So my tips for building up a good accessories collection are:
- Be friends with a jeweller who is busy and forgets what she has lent you.
- Borrow stuff from trendy friends and claim you have returned them.
- Scour Vinnies and Salvos for good quality beads from old Nannas.
- Check out Diva, Sportsgirl and other good chain stores either in person or online. Sometimes the stuff you can score in sales is amazing!
- Go through your mum's stuff as well and do a little pilfering.
- Target is great for hats - no shit. And scarves.
- Treat yourself to the occasional splurge. Peep Toe, Mimco & Samantha Wills is good.
- Have at LEAST one piece of Uberkate. It is like a right of passage into style-land.
- Do not stick to gold and silver. Colour is your friend.
- Big Earrings, big necklace, big bangles and big rings at once is a big no no.
- Matchy-matchy sets make me cry.
- Have a few stylish friends around to help you start out on your collection. I am totally blaming the Divine Ms M on the severity of my habit.

What is your style tip for Fat Days?