July 30, 2010

Woog's Weal Weekly Wap Up

Ok so here we are again, my favourite day of the week. Child-free Friday. Kids are gone to their various places of educational advancement. The house looks like a tornado has hit a Chinese laundry and I DON'T BLOODY CARE.

Friday is the day I do things exclusively for me.... trust me, the kids are lucky to get breakfast.

The day started at some ungodly hour with some sex-nagging (denied) and the kids bouncing off the walls until I sent them to their room to play "Whoever cleans up the best gets a Cookie".

I figure the day can only go up from there

So I am going to hit the shops with and Belinda, lunch somewhere gooooood that does not involve Happy Meals and visit Ms Finlayson and her new puppy Tilly. Top it all off with a few Vodka O's and perhaps a cheeky pizza.


I am not even kidding when I tell you that there is a Chocolate Cafe going in on my street.

Look outside - where is the rain?

Beautiful stepdad being a trooper and pulling through a huge operation to remove his bowel.

Mr Woog surviving another week of Frogger like adventures, riding his bike to work.

Whole week with only one doctor visit for Jack and she bulk billed me. xoxo
The Mazda Doctor finding nothing to serious with her. Like winning the Lotto!


In the best case I have seen in a long time, A good example of politician's taking their ball and going home.

Concerns about iminent weight gain once chocoalte cafe opens for business

I finally had to wash all the Brad Ngata Hot Blow Dry out if my hair when it got so greasy the Barack Obama delayed a visit to Australia in an attempt to get BP to plug it. PS I still have a few gift cards, if you are keen email your name and address to mrswoog@hotmail.com.

The demand for Saturdays with Sawhole t-shirts outstripping supply.

Target Toy Sale - I would rather pay full price then face that shit.

Limping along till payday - paying for my coffee this morning with 5 cent peices I found while scrounging around the Mazda.

Favourite reads this week include one from my Sister from A Nudda Mudda in the States. Pampers and Pinot...go click read... wee a bit. Also while you are there, shoot across to Bad Words, only if you do not mind really good writing and a lot of profanities.

Finally, tomorrow's Saturdays with SawHole has turned up, and let's just say Saw Hole has a few ideas in mind to turn that Flab.... to Fab. Come back tomorrow and have a read.

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