I will begin with my Heros and Villains.
Hero of the week hands down is my step-dad who, while battling leukemia, was diagnosed on Tuesday with Bowel Cancer. Yes a shitty double whammy to a man who is only ever gentle, kind and generous. He faces this new battle in his quiet, competent manner surrounded by hysterical daughters and a trying-to-be-brave wife. Send him some bloggy good vibes for the coming weeks won't you? And donate some blood while you are at it ok?
Villain of the Week is Lindsay Lohan, who for some reason seems to think she is above the law. The best piece of acting she has done in a decade would have to be her performance she put on when the Judge sentenced her to 90 days for parole violation. Oscar Worthy.
Going Up?
- 37 ain't that bad. Was especially delighted to be presented with a bottle of Champers from the motley crew who make my coffee each day... Aw Guys! Had a great dinner with Mr Woog where we got drunk and pashed like we were on a first date. Fun!
- Toy Story 3. See it. Spanish Buzz steals the show, only to be topped my a wardrobe montage by Ken.
- School Holidays half way through and only 2 trips to the Doctors so far. My kids are much safer in their places of education me thinks.
- Finalising plans to spend the entire summer in Bali. Looking for a cat and Guinea pig sitter. Bring it.
- Having fun guest posting over at MummyDiaries and Mummy-Time.
- Posted off the Benefit Giveaway to the winners. Looking forward to another trip tomorrow to post 3 prizes thanks to Trilogy Skincare. Enter here (Before Oprah starts tomorrow) .
- Simmone Logue Pies Hello! Weight Watcher's points Goodbye!
- Danni Minogue, for calling her baby boy a completely normal name. Take note Gwyneth.
And Going Down.......
- The continual argy bargy surrounding the boat people.
- Long cold snap which has hit Sydney.
- My throat, which feels like I have performed fellatio on a cactus.
- The World Cup - a man must have organised this, for if a chick had, it would be done and dusted by now.
- Masterchef - just cannot get into it. But v sad Glee finished tonight.
- Jackie O - for selling her story for $200,000 for getting pregnant. I bet she is going to donate the lot to the children's hospital??
Found some new blogs!
http://thebagtheshoesandtheevolvingwardrobe.blogspot.com/ is a bit of this and a bit of that and a newbie, get on board. You will love it.
http://painefully.blogspot.com/ Nepotism is rife, yes I know. But if you have not discovered the well written and gen y blog from Painefully (aka Mrs Woog's Little Sister) then go self flagellate then click onto read.
And loving this not so newbie http://mommyhasaheadache.blogspot.com/ for general hilariousness.
So, you need to send out bloggy good thoughts, give blood, enter my Trilogy Giveaway, read some new blogs and come and fold my washing. Thanks!
Mrs Woog