For those who do not know what a snuggie is, it is a blanket with sleeves in it so you can pick your nose while channel surfing without the blanket falling off and inconveniencing you in any way.

Well in was way back in 1996. I was living in a 4 bedroom house in North London with 16 other people. We had Italians, French and a few feisty Japanese flatmates. Mr Woog and myself were the only Aussies and it could be safely said we were having trouble dealing with the cold. Everyone was stony cold broke, and stone cold. None of the heating worked.
I had a nasty polar fleece blanket - purple if I remember correctly. One evening I was on the couch under it watching Eastenders, when a small ember dropped from my fag and quickly set the blanket alight. Mr Woog poured his can of Tennent Lager on me to douse the flames while I screamed and squealed.
A short time later, after we found out the fire alarms were there just for show and we actually did live in a death trap, I was able to demonstrate to the multicultural household the benefits of having a blanket with a hole in it. I cut another hole in it and VOILA! The Snuggie was born!! Everyone agreed it was a great invention and that perhaps I should patent it and make a fortune. Yes - that is how I would make my way in the world! My future was set.
Like all good ideas I have, I struggle with the follow though. I devised a concept, similar to Mister Mint in shopping centres, but concentrating on express waxing. I was going to call it The Brow and Bush Bar and get heaps of TAFE students to work in them. While I sat back and counted the cash. Benefit Brow Bar beat me to it - but they do not do bush, so that idea may still have legs.
Sometimes an idea and a bit of drive will result in a product so good - you wish you had thought of it. Remember trying to wrap a newborn in the hospital for the first time! Terrifying! Then as your baby grew and grew and learnt to unwrap itself, re-wrapping them in the middle of the night became a nightmare.

Enter Baby Origami. It is a double wrap with numbers on it, so simple even your toddler will be able to help out by wrapping it's newborn sibling. And educational! Barb and her pal Nicole launched this product into the market in 2007 and have not looked back. And when your baby outgrows it, it is handy for when you need to worm the cat.

Baby Origami has given me 3 Baby Origami Wraps (rrp $44.95 each) to giveaway to Woogsworld readers. If you have found yourself in the family way, or know someone who is, enter!
You need to follow Woogsworld. Comment on this post, telling me what your favourite invention is. For example, the Quick Chill Wine Chiller, or perhaps the Thigh-Master*? Winners will be chosen randomly on Wednesday 30th June and notified via email and on Woogsworld.
And thanks to Barb and Nicole from Baby Origami. You can order online. Best baby-shower gift ever - certainly beats those plaster cast stomach and boob things... no thank you!
* Personally I cannot stand the Thigh-Master. Used it once with a black eye as a result.