I am not known for my advice. Opinion is my forte. When I am in a conundrum I usually reach out to Sawhole Tait, a communications and PR Guru who specialises in revenge tactics and espionage.
Bred, born and raised in Lithgow NSW, Sawhole's natural intelligence and charms were first noticed when at the age on 10 months, when she won Lithgow's Cutest Baby contest.
Since then she has continued to use these assets to wangle her way into senior media positions in the State Government as well as Lobby Groups and the Private Sector.
So when this little gem popped up on a post -
Right Mrs Woog, solve this for me. i just walked in on a very senior manager from my work having a slash . Yes it was at a bar with unisex toilets and yes it was a disabled cubicle with plenty of room but why not shut the door and what about the fact that I am half way in before I realise that a)occupied and b) know the occupant and c) working on major project with said occupant. Help me out Mrs Woog
I flicked it onto the Guru who obliged Kiwi Liz with the following advice:
Ignore.ignore.ignore. This person obviously practises questionable personal hygiene etiquette. The toilet seat was obviously left up or peed on, depending on gender. Not your problem. Do your best to forget.
Unless, of course, you spied schlong or moodgy bear (depending on the offender's gender). If that is the case, I would start making jokes about salami or how to find your way to Tasmania. Or if the encounter revealed this senior person had small male appendage/a rather wild female piece of anatomy you can use it to blackmail said occupant.
If that fails, you could always destroy said project, which solves the working together issue.
I hope this helps you Kiwi Liz.
Got a conundrum? Email me at mrswoog@hotmail.com
And keep your eyes peeled for future Saturdays with Sawhole. It is in your best interest.