Each day Beverly (the artist formally known as BabyMac) gets up early and scurries around the apartment, tidying things and generally being lovely. This morning I woke up and peered out to see her looking pensive as she took in the sites of a city waking up. Then looked over to see me waking up with extreme bed hair and a boob hanging out of my nightie.
Pensive Beverly was born.
We have a loose plan everyday of things we need to tick off our list, and today we were covering Zabars, Central Park and the Met. All located within walking distance and all there to feed our faces and then our souls.
We met fellow blogger Carly Findlay out the front of Zabars. Have you ever been? Holy sweet matzo balls, it is a foodie heaven. I went with Mr Woog years back but I could not fully appreciate it as I was suffering from First Trimester Pregnantitis and had the voms ALL THE FUCKING TIME........
Part of the cheese wall. PART of it. |
It is a Jewish Deli and here is an example of a sideways selection of Matzoh Balls. Kerri Sackville I am thinking of you here, because you are quite ballsy.... |
Cures all that ails you, apart from chafe from walking around too much in the humidity. It is not good for that. Too much salt. |
I do not know what you are, but I like the cut of your jib.... Strawberry and Cheese should never be seen, unless there is a great bloody wedge of pastry in between. |