June 30, 2011

Triumphant Times in WoogsWorld

My kids go to the local public school, which I love. And Jack particularly loves it as he is a black belt in collecting awards and this week has been no different.

I got a letter in the mail last week to let me know that Jack would be receiving a super dooper end of term award for all round excellence in kindergarten academia and he was to wear full school uniform with his black shoes to collect the award. I was half expecting it to be presented by the Governor General, such was the tone of the note.

Jack said I had to come and watch. Of course I would. And he said I needed to come to help him carry his award to the car. So you should have seen his face when he was presented with a piece of paper. He was aghast with disappointment. You could almost hear him thinking "What the hell is this shit?" He was expecting a trophy. A big shiny trophy to be exact.

But he got over it.

Then I got 2 more notes saying that both boys had been selected to represent their class in a skipping demonstration and they were to wear full school uniform with sports shoes. So again I fronted up with the puffer brigade to watch a skipping display. The things you do hey.

I watched Harry, who ended up in the Most Improved Display. And if he was the most improved in his class, then I dread to think what he started out like. Perhaps he could not grip the ends of the rope? Because it was excruciating to watch but I cheered along like a psycho anyway, much to his embarrassment.

Then Jack competed in the Best Skipper display and took to the concrete with as much gusto as Warnie has taken to botox. Committed to the core. He did all of his tricks and the announcement came. The best skipper in the world was of course Jack, who was then presented with a skipping rope. Which was oddly ironic. Like when he won the Easter Hat Parade and was awarded with a hat.

I love my local primary school, but they need to rethink their rewards program.
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