October 03, 2012


Today I thought I would share with you some more art from Jabba the Hut. Totally included in the purchase price. Did somebody say BARGAIN?

Holly Hobbie's Eastern European Cousin Helga after too many cakies.

This is part of a series of 2 frog tile art pieces.

It is my wishful thinking that this motherfucker was not screwed into the wall

Also screwed in, another example of tile art

Modern art
 The oven here is older than Joan Rivers, so we tend to burn things on the BBQ instead.

burnt on the outside, raw on the inside. If you do know how to cook a shoulder of lamb successfully on the BBQ, please advise in the comment section of this post. Many thanks. x
My parenting skills have slipped enormously with bathing very infrequent and veggies slipped into them when they don't even realise.....

Oh and the second hand makeover is coming along nicely, don't you think? Apart from the colours on the walls. A different pastel in every room. Vomit inducing. No wonder the previous owners stuck so much tile art up.

This chair was found in the shed. NOT ANYMORE! I love it with all my heart.

In other news, there was a knock on the door this morning. We all looked at each other quizzically. I mean, we don't know anyone around these parts yet...

Oh fuck. It was a courier.

Mr Woog asked me whether I had been online shopping since we got here, but I told him it was stuff I ordered LAST WEEK, so it does not count.

And because I run this site as a sort of community service, may I suggest you swing over to the Country Road and Trenery Outlet site, as soon as you have left a loving comment here of course......

Little leather thongs were $20.97 and those pants? Can we talk about them for a second? $37.97 for some dacks that feel like trackies but look like .... well not trackies. They are called Ponti Pants. I think PONTI is French for NAKED, because that is how I am feeling right now, such is the comfort factor.

So, Can I interest you in a set of tile art???
Buy one, get one free?
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