October 29, 2012

5 Things on My Mind.

I am thinking about.... How far can you get in life if you are particularly talented and clever at "spoon"craft. And what the hell is "spoon" craft even. And since I have seen no evidence of said "spoon" craft, how do I know that it is clever?

I am thinking about....  narcissism, particularly after reading the article by Melissa Hoyer about Digital Narcissists. Hang on a sec, I will go find it. I think I left it in Sonia....

Here it is! CLICK HERE.

I am thinking about.... our obsession to be hairless. From time to time, as a blogger, you get sent stuff to try. I got sent this ages ago, and last night, as I was watching 60 Minutes with a carafe of vino, I noticed the breeze coming through the window and rustling the growth on my legs. So I remembered this thing and thought I would try it.

It works as the box suggested it would. But fuck, waxing your legs hurts so much. I just cannot do it.

Oh and I am also thinking about how gross this photo is. Go back to the narcissist article above. Bloggers are over sharers. Deal with it.

From leg. NOT moodgy bear.

For saddists only

 I am thinking about.... why this situation has not magically sorted itself out by now. It seems to be getting worse with each passing day.

 I am thinking about.... New York City, as she battens down the hatches. She is a tough old gal. I miss her.

Pensive Beverly in NYC August 2012

What is on your mind today?

For Tracy. You fight that motherfucker, you hear? xx

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