July 11, 2012

Berry good shops.....

I will tell you what is not fun! Blogging from an ipad. We are on day 3 of our South Coast Sojourn. Yesterday we drove over to Berry and gave the kids 5 bucks each before letting them loose in the Berry Bon Bon Sweet shop. Best lolly shop EVAH! And they had Jelly Tots, so I was one happy, sugar rushed camper. 

So bloody good. Have you been? www.theberrybonbon.com.au

Then, by some chance or perhaps by deliberate design, I lost my mates and the kids and found myself in a FREAKIN AWESOME STORE called Haven and Space. I got all flustered and sweaty as I treated myself to a visual feast of all things homewares. They have an online store as well. Great stuff and GREAT prices! Check out www.havenandspaceberry.com.au 

 And my final destination on my Prue and Trudes shopping expedition? I stumbled across an establishment called Juniper Hearth. It was one of those most pleasurable retail experiences I can recall in a long time. The counter was manned by an older gent called Bob. Bob was the husband of the shop's proprietor. I asked him how he got roped into this sales assistant job and he was quick to reply that he got sex if he did it, and even better sex if he sold stuff. So I helped out his cause by purchasing a fedora hat and a string of olive green beads. And Ness bought a cool felt hat. So Bob, should you ever stumble across this blog, I hope it worked! www.juniperhearth.com.au. 

 I would put some photos up, but because I am blogging from an ipad, and have no idea how to do that, I can't. And while you are in the clicking mood, swing over to The Hoopla for my column today. It is about dancing. Of course. www.thehoopla.com.au OLE!
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