May 30, 2011
Australia's Next Top Blogger
Snuggle time this morning and Harry asks me whether I had won the KidSpot Top 50 Blogger competition. Alas I had not. He asked me "Who got kicked off first?" and I told him that life was not all based on Masterchef.
He went into the kitchen and came back in with a small glass of chilled orange juice. He handed it to me and said, and I quote.
"Don't worry Mum. I am proud of your efforts."
Is that not just the most adorable thing you have ever heard? Mr Woog came in and asked how I had gotten on. I said "No good" and he said "No corporate giant like Ford would want to be associated with a mummy blogger who swears so much, Maybe you should clean the blog up a bit...."
My response to him contained language that some corporations may find offensive.
The five finalists are $120 Dollar Food Challenge, 1000 Homes of Happiness , Honey and Fizz , One Crafty Mama and the incomparable Edenland. They are all great blogs so I suggest you go and check them out asap.
I would like to thank Ford Motors for selecting me in the initial top 50. But not really. I am just saying that. You have shattered my dream of driving a fancy ass car up to do the school drop off line. A car that does not carry one million micro-organisms under the seats. A car complete with an oil cap. A car that has it's own wine bottle holder next to the driver's seat. A car free from fest and filth.
But mainly I am bummed about the money. I would really loved to have won the money. I would have really looked after the money. And I would have been able to fulfil a long time fantasy of mine.
It just does not feel that same with 5 cent coins............................................ x
ford top 50 demi moore