Not this type, I LOVE this type....

I am talking about these filthy rat-with-wings creatures.
WoogsWorld has apparently been featured on the Bird Version of Trip Advisor for the best Sydney Backyard for Indian Mynas to hang out in. They wander into our kitchen on a regular basis, thanks to full length bi-fold doors, and have a crapping party. They are fearless buggers who quite often torment the only possible thing that could stop the crapping. Wilson.
They will more often than not, casually walk past Wilson and stand right next to him while eating from his cat food bowl. And Wilson may or may not stretch out luxuriously and open one eye to give them a lazy stare, before falling back asleep.
So come 2011, I am going to invest in a new cat and put Wilson into retirement. A cat like this. And it will be Jack's cat and he has already decided to call it Princess Barbi Mermaid.

Is there a particular creature that you have and aversion to?