Today's post is a bit like that, except without the ads.
2010 in review. It was my best blogging year ever. Because it was my only blogging year. I vowed to write for a year and as the finish line comes screaming towards me, I thought I would share a few highlights with you.
This was the most popular post. I did not listen to the blogging rule of never blog angry. But I was pissed off with myself so I think it did not count. Click here to read Beautiful.
Living Nicely on the North Shore came in second. It is an observation of the Tribal Wives where I live. It caused a few raised botoxed brows (or as far as it could) when I did school pick ups, but mostly I escaped unscathed.
And because I am always concerned about my lovely reader's social welfare, this handy post was also very well received. Tupperware Party Anyone?
Of course, read this one if you are keen to find out what makes me such a shit hot housekeeper/cook/wife/nympho etc.
Delving way way way back into the archives now to some hidden treasures that were not read at all. Apart from my mum and when I forced Mr Woog to read them. This was the response to the first ever "fan mail" I got. I was stoked someone was actually reading my blog. Thank you forever Mrs Green!
Opportunities arose throughout the year, because I was willing to go to the opening of an envelope. I was a fashion reporter, I shared my secret addiction and I forever chastised my family.
I am always asked "Why do you blog?" and the answer is always the same. I blog because it is fun. That is it. And the moment it stops being fun, I will take up another hobby, like scrap booking, sudoku or exercise. But until then, you are stuck with me.
Thanks for jumping on the Woogie Wagon this year. Have you enjoyed the ride?