I have a friend called Kristen. She is an American writer who keys the amazing blog Wanderlust. She is a bit like the Yang to my Yin. She is clever, a great writer, a mom to 2 kids and all round hilarious.
This is her press shot should she win Mother Of the Year.

Dear Qantas;
In these difficult economic times all companies are looking for opportunities to attract more customers and enhance their bottom line, and the savvy corporate marketer knows the big dollar trail leads back to mummy bloggers.
As such I am suggesting that Qantas embark on a campaign to engage bloggers in promoting their excellent airline by sponsoring, say, 5 bloggers from around the world to fly to Australia, all expenses paid. You could call it the Positively High campaign.
I am willing to offer my sponsoree services, as my schedule allows, to promote your airline. Further willing, for an additional small fee (or upgrade to first class), to rave about the flight to my highly suggestible and cash-laden readers.
Since the airline industry has not fared well in recent years, I’d be willing to admit a few concessions, even fly economy if necessary, overlook the cramped seating and focus instead on the impressive array of movies and television shows available for viewing on the screen that is smashed in my face as soon as the seatback in front of me is reclined.
Or perhaps the friendly and efficient flight staff and the most excellent in-flight meals?
Actually, I could bring my own food. I’d be willing to do that if it would make the difference. Would that help?
Or here’s an idea. I could help serve food during the flight. Pass out warm towelettes and sleep kits? That way you could save money by having to pay one less flight attendant.
In these difficult economic times all companies are looking for opportunities to attract more customers and enhance their bottom line, and the savvy corporate marketer knows the big dollar trail leads back to mummy bloggers.
As such I am suggesting that Qantas embark on a campaign to engage bloggers in promoting their excellent airline by sponsoring, say, 5 bloggers from around the world to fly to Australia, all expenses paid. You could call it the Positively High campaign.
I am willing to offer my sponsoree services, as my schedule allows, to promote your airline. Further willing, for an additional small fee (or upgrade to first class), to rave about the flight to my highly suggestible and cash-laden readers.
Since the airline industry has not fared well in recent years, I’d be willing to admit a few concessions, even fly economy if necessary, overlook the cramped seating and focus instead on the impressive array of movies and television shows available for viewing on the screen that is smashed in my face as soon as the seatback in front of me is reclined.
Or perhaps the friendly and efficient flight staff and the most excellent in-flight meals?
Actually, I could bring my own food. I’d be willing to do that if it would make the difference. Would that help?
Or here’s an idea. I could help serve food during the flight. Pass out warm towelettes and sleep kits? That way you could save money by having to pay one less flight attendant.

Deal? …?
Okay, um, seriously. Who do I need to sleep with to get a sponsorship?
Awaiting your reply, breathlessly,
Kristin at Wanderlust
enc: naked pictures
cc: entire male staff with even the slightest seniority (apologies, non-heteros)
Her wit appeals to me on so many levels. I love a sister who can take the piss out of herself. I enjoyed my banter with her all year until she went silent around August. And I suspected something was up. It turns out I was right. Click here.
Okay, um, seriously. Who do I need to sleep with to get a sponsorship?
Awaiting your reply, breathlessly,
Kristin at Wanderlust
enc: naked pictures
cc: entire male staff with even the slightest seniority (apologies, non-heteros)
Her wit appeals to me on so many levels. I love a sister who can take the piss out of herself. I enjoyed my banter with her all year until she went silent around August. And I suspected something was up. It turns out I was right. Click here.
So to say she is having a totally crap ass time at the moment is a massive understatement. And she is writing her way through her fog. So a few Aussie blogging goddesses are typing their rings off trying to raise cashola to bring Kristen to Sydney next March for the Australian Blogging Conference. We have all scratched around and so far have raised $1430.
And as Kristen has not heard back from Qantas, I feel it is time to crack out the big guns. Chick Chick Boom.
A Sydney firm has offered to spring for her conference ticket and overnight accommodation, but we need more. This is a perfect opportunity for an organisation or company to get a total load of good karma, a shit load of positive press and Kristen and I will be your slaves for the duration of the conference. If you are a PR reader, we are so happy to talk to you. This could be the best professional decision you ever make!
Not a business? Just an ordinary person with excellent taste in blogs?
Look at the widget at the top right hand side of this blog. Now back to me.
Do you really need ANOTHER Paddle Pop today? No. Please chuck in a few bucks if you can.
I believe Kristen is coming to Sydney. I refuse to take no for an answer. And thanks to all the amazing folk who have so generously given so far. You will make my 2011 wish come true. And maybe even Kristen's.

* post was first published at Mummytime.