Oh what a week it was. I dropped several Mummy Bombs due to the despicable behaviours shown daily by the Woogettes. My BIGGEST mummy bomb detonated in the car (of course) yesterday afternoon which went something like this....
As the bomb went off, I heard a little TAP TAP TAP on my window and turned to find a long lost uni friend standing there, complete with adorable baby and angelic looking toddler. I wondered how long Sarah had been there, but by the look on her face, I think it is safe to say she witnessed the entire incident.
"Oh - how nice to see you!"
Except it wasn't really as the veins were popping out of my head and my voice has now hoarse.
But I know you are not here to hear me bitching and moaning. You are here to see who won the SPECTACULAR UBERKATE GIVEAWAY! Did you get over to her site? Did you drool buckets?
I had the immense pleasure of dining with her, Mrs Finlayson and the Divine Ms M last night at Spice Temple. Again with the drool. We were celebrating her birthday. She was super excited about the responses and this morning I was informed the winning entry came from Peta G.
We choose Peta G, with the blended family and tops dad… and because none of us here at uberkate could ever be unreal enough to care for that many kids!!
Amen sister - Peta G you lucky lucky cow! Please contact Kate directly at kate@uberkate.com.au to start arranging your prize! And kiss her ass a bit of you don't mind. Thank you my beautiful friend for being so generous to WoogsWorldians. oxoxox
And of course the 3 runners up who will win a Nivea for Men Prize pack were determined by random.org. Drum roll...................................... Kim @ Stellacake, So Now What and Corrinne! Email me your full name and address to mrswoog@hotmail.com asap! And thanks to Nivea for Men for this generous prize. Your boy is gonna look sooo purdy!
Villan of the Week?
This fuckwit. Queensland Family First Candidate Wendy Francis who said "Legalising gay marriage is like legalising child abuse." Wendy you are on my list.
Hero of the Week?
The girl who pegged this at that little twerp Justin Beiber. Please reveal yourself so I can send your mom a bottle of Vodka O.
Now for a giggle - take yourself over to a blog I have just discovered called Slightly South of Insanity. And check back in tomorrow to see what SawHole has been up to. And by the way, if you see me at another Tupperware Party, please escort me to the door.
Did you drop your load this week?