Frank Woog Jr was the epitome of cuteness. He is a staffy born and bred where all good staffy's are in the Western Suburbs of Sydney. There was a very good chance that Frank could have ended up guarding tools on the back of a ute in the Hills District, but he came home to Woogsworld. We live in an area full of shnoodles, magnadoodles and cocknfoodles so Frank stood out like a zit on Lady Gaga's butt. Loved it.
Like puppy's do, they destroy. After Frank ate a mattress, two handbags complete with wallets and visa cards, the back verandah and dug a tunnel through to the neighbour's swimming pool, it was decided that Frank should go enjoy some rehabilitation up at Mr Woog's Parents farm. Grandpa Woog is a famous dog trainer and decided to keep Frank. Frank is now the only registered Staffy Sheep Dog in NSW and enjoying celebrity status on the Sheep Dog Circuit. We see him often on weekends and he is adorable as ever.
Which left Woogsworld without and animal, something which Mr Woog was delighted about.
I grew up around pets, my kids yearned for an animal, so on H's 6th Bday, I went on a mission to seek out a rescue cat so perfect, Mr Woog would have no reason to hit the roof.
Mr Woog hit the roof when I found Wilson Woog. Wilson is a burmilla cat, age unknown. You can read here about his arrival. He has a slight weight problem and spends most of his days shedding hair, specialising in swiping up against black panted wearers. He is very focused on food and being noisy. Oh the Meeowing! He literally stares at your and howls. I swear the reason he was abandoned was that his previous owners could not take it anymore, locked him out the back, snuck out the front door and moved to Queensland.
He is not what you would call sweet natured but he does not scratch the Woogettes when they disappear into their room and return with him dressed up as Batman.
Anyway, their loss is our gain and three quarters of this household would throw themselves in front of a bus for him.