July 19, 2010

Get more than just a blow dry......

Mr Woog sometimes reads WoogsWorld. He has 2 reactions. He either gives a small snort at the end of the post or he says "Seriously, you cannot write that. You are going to get into trouble. Take it down. What if the bikies/nutters/my mum/my clients/the neighbours/Tony Abbott/The Principal of the kids school read it?"

He quite often advises me not to air my views on religion or politics as it causes issues. I smile and nod, take a sip of my wine and dream about nipping off to Vegas with Matt Damon for the weekend.
We are a family of extremely mixed religious backgrounds. Mr Woog has a very strong objection to organised religion and blames basically anything that goes wrong in the world on it. I am christened Catholic but have not been back to church since. I am not fussed about what other people believe, but do object to when Mormons come to my door when I am trying to take a piss.

Anyway, not sure what he will think of this, but you would agree, it's far too whickety whack not to share? Found it on the ninemsn.com.au news site this morning.

Atheists using hair dryers to 'de-baptise'
Atheists in the US are using hair dryers to "de-baptise" non-believers in organised rituals, according to a report.

The hair appliance is being used to symbolically dry up the holy water sprinkled on people's heads in baptism ceremonies when they were young.

The dryer is even emblazoned with a label reading "Reason and Truth", reports US news program Nightline.

Leading US atheist Edwin Kagin has been blasting other non-believers with hot air as a way for adults to undo their parents' decision to baptise them.

The 69-year-old from Kentucky believes parents are wrong to baptise their children before they are able to make their own choices and describes some religious education as "child abuse".

In his special de-baptising ritual, Mr Kagin dons a monk's robe, utters a few mock-Latin phrases and then asks atheists to "come forward and receive the spirit of hot air that taketh away the stigma and taketh away the remnants of the stain of baptismal water".

Mr Kagin's son Stephen won't be among those stepping forward for a hair dry, however: he became a fundamentalist Christian minister after having a "personal revelation in Jesus Christ".

I personally would like to congratulate Edwin Kagin for being thoughtful enough to use a diffuser on his blow-dryer. Here in Sydney, there is a phenomena popping up everywhere called the Blow Dry Bar, where you can pop in for a quick cheap blow dry. I think Edwin Kagin would do well to look into a franchise - make money while spreading the good word of total wackiness.

Would you let Edwin Kagin near your tresses? I wonder if he does colour....

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